The Macomb County Assessor Office works at the county or local level to determine the value of taxable property in Macomb County, Michigan. As part of this job, Assessors conduct property appraisals and may assess Macomb County property taxes for every parcel. Assessor Offices maintain information on these parcels, including Macomb County parcel maps, boundary lines, and parcel divisions. These Macomb County parcel viewers may also provide information on appraisal values, zoning, and property tax assessments. Parcel viewers can also be used to locate local unclaimed parcels, public property, and look up property owner information. The Macomb County Assessor Office may provide an online parcel viewer to look up parcel information.
Eastpointe Assessor Eastpointe MI 23200 Gratiot Avenue 48021 586-445-3661 Suggest Edit
Fraser Assessor Fraser MI 33000 Garfield Road 48026 586-293-3104 Suggest Edit
Harrison Township Assessor Harrison Township MI 38151 Lanse Creuse Street 48045 586-466-1410 Suggest Edit
Macomb County Equalization Department Mount Clemens MI 10 North Main Street 48043 586-469-5260 Suggest Edit
Roseville City Assessor Roseville MI 29777 Civic Center Boulevard 48066 586-445-5430 Suggest Edit
Shelby Township Assessor Shelby Township MI 52700 Van Dyke 48316 586-731-5910 Suggest Edit
Sterling Heights City Assessor Sterling Heights MI 40555 Utica Road 48313 586-446-2740 Suggest Edit
The Macomb County Town or City Hall provides municipal services for their town or city, including maintaining property-related documents in Macomb County, Michigan. These records can include parcel viewers, which contain information on every parcel in the town or city. These Macomb County parcel maps can include information on parcel boundaries, unclaimed parcels, public property, and parcel divisions. Town and City Halls may also have records on property appraisals, zoning boundaries, current and former property owners, and property taxes, which may be presented in the Macomb County parcel viewer. This information is often available to the public on the Town or City Hall website.
Center Line City Hall Center Line MI 7070 East 10 Mile Road 48015 586-757-6800 Suggest Edit
Eastpointe City Hall Eastpointe MI 23200 Gratiot Avenue 48021 586-445-3661 Suggest Edit
Macomb Township Town Hall Macomb MI 54111 Broughton Road 48042 586-992-0710 Suggest Edit
Memphis City Hall Memphis MI 35095 Potter Street 48041 810-392-2385 Suggest Edit
New Baltimore City Hall New Baltimore MI 36535 Green St 48047 586-725-2151 Suggest Edit
Richmond City Hall Richmond MI 68225 Main Street 48062 586-727-7571 Suggest Edit
Roseville City Hall Roseville MI 29777 Civic Center Boulevard 48066 Suggest Edit
Saint Clair Shores City Hall St. Clair Shores MI 27600 Jefferson Avenue 48081 586-445-5200 Suggest Edit
Utica City Hall Utica MI 7550 Auburn Road, Ste 1 48317 586-739-1600 Suggest Edit
Warren City Hall Warren MI 29500 Van Dyke 48093 586-574-4500 Suggest Edit
Warren City Hall Warren MI 1 City Square, Ste 205 48093 586-574-4557 Suggest Edit
The Macomb County Clerk Office maintains public records for a county or local government, including vital documents and property-related records in Macomb County, Michigan. Clerks keep documents on every parcel in Macomb County, which can include parcel viewers that show parcel maps, boundary lines, and divisions between parcels. These Macomb County parcel viewers may also provide information on property appraisal values, zoning boundaries, and property tax assessments, and they can be used to locate unclaimed parcels, public property, and look up property owner information. Parcel viewer information may be available through the Macomb County Clerk Office website.
Clinton Township Clerk Clinton Township MI 40700 Romeo Plank Road 48038 586-286-9422 Suggest Edit
Fraser City Clerk Fraser MI 33000 Garfield Road 48026 586-293-1877 Suggest Edit
Harrison Township Clerk Harrison Township MI 38151 Lanse Creuse Street 48045 586-466-1406 Suggest Edit
Macomb County Clerk Mount Clemens MI 120 North Main Street 48043 586-469-5205 Suggest Edit
Romeo Village Clerk Romeo MI 121 West Saint Clair Street 48065 586-752-3565 Suggest Edit
Roseville City Clerk Roseville MI 29777 Civic Center Boulevard 48066 586-445-5440 Suggest Edit
Washington Clerk Washington MI 57900 Van Dyke 48094 586-786-0012 Suggest Edit
The Macomb County Recorder of Deeds keeps real estate ownership documents in order to ensure the accuracy of property, land, and parcel records in Macomb County, Michigan. Recorders of Deeds have records on every parcel under their authority, and they may provide a parcel viewer to look up this information. Macomb County parcel viewers provide information on parcel boundaries, property owners, unclaimed parcels, and parcel divisions, and this information may be presented in a parcel map. Macomb County Recorders of Deeds may also have information on property appraisals, property taxes, and zoning boundaries. They may provide online access to parcel information on the Recorder of Deeds website.
Macomb County Recorder of Deeds Mount Clemens MI 32 Market Street 48043 586-469-7953 Suggest Edit